
Showing posts from August, 2016

The Right Stuff...

I feel good, friends. Finally. I feel good. It was rough after the fight my sis and I had, but after a few weeks, she needed help with my adorable twin nieces, so we came to bit of a truce. Now I see my nieces 40 hours a week, and can help my mom with things around the house. (She broke her shoulder when Anubis pulled her down during a walk a couple months back.) I work three days a week at a farm that is home to three Arabians, a donkey and pony, chickens, ducks, and two senior dogs. I love my work, and spending time with my nieces. I've had several side jobs come in dog sitting for people, and will be farm sitting in a month or so. I'm painting when I find time, and I have to find time because I've gotten several challenging orders.  One client ordered a set of glasses based on the Outlander books/series by Diana Gabaldon . As research for this project I spend a lot of time looking at well-muscled men in kilts online, since it's set primarily in the Scottish highlands...