Daddy said there'd be days like this...

The day had been almost perfect. Sunshine, warm weather, clear skies and a drive through the mountains. Just a few little spats back and forth about seatbelt wearing and open container laws. Then there was the peeing on the side of the road and indecent exposure laws. But it was a beautiful day of swimming in a mountain lake with cherub-like twin girls and a handful of boys and the women who love them. The driver had a sip or two of the other's wine during their visit, but stuck with water. That's why she had volunteered her car, so the children would be safe. She knew this bunch, and they thought nothing of driving around, beer or wine in hand while children sit in the back seat. It sickened her and angered her that people like this get pregnant when they think about sex, but not her... she sent that thought away down the path it had snuck up. Down that path lies madness.
So they ended the beautiful day by deciding to cook out at one of the mother's house and let the kids play. The driver held a plastic drink jar of wine shed been handed and stiffly held it watching the two year olds toddle up and down steep stairs with a drop off of rocks on the side. She got attitude from their mother every time she voiced her worry. The children were hurting a cat, their mother guzzled more wine, sucked on her cigarette and told the driver to loosen up its just a cat. But the cat will defend itself, and then when your child gets scratched for hurting it, you'll blame the cat, just like Moms dog. The mother rolled her eyes and flicked the cigarette ashes onto the green grass. Finally after more of the same for another hour, the driver went and sat in the car hoping the mother would get the message that it was time to go. A friend of theirs was passed out drunk on the couch while kids toys dotted the floor around her. She'd driven herself there. It boggled the mind that this was normal behavior for this group of people.
But they kept telling her she was the one who needed to loosen up. Well, maybe she would try. She walked up to the mother of the twins and mentioned leaving and needing to get back and take care of her dog. The mom whose house they were at Sat red cheeked on the grass with a beer in her hand. She said she was gonna put her kid in the car seat and take him for a drive to put him to sleep.
The other mother sat beside her with another cigarette in hand holding one of her little ones, nodding. "Yeah, sometimes  no matter how much benadryl you give'em, you still gotta take them for a drive. The driver's stomach lurched and she thought she be sick. She looked at the mother's, "Seriously? Y'all been drinking all day. She's holding a beer in her hand while talking about driving with her kid in a few minutes. That seems ok to y'all?" The driver was laughed at, ridiculed, and let know she needed to loosen up. Then the mother of the twins said she was going to take her twins carseats out of the driver's car and put them in the car of the still drinking mom. The driver couldn't believe it, even drunk she thought that this woman had better judgement. She was always lecturing others on making good choices and forcing her opinions down their ears. The driver looked at her and started shaking inside with anger that her nieces and nephew safety meant so little to their own mother. "Are you fucking serious right now? Do you see the choice you're making? You're taking the children's car seats out of the sober persons car and putting them in the drunk person car. I don't need to loosen up; you need to be more responsible. This is shitty parenting." Needless to say it got uglier and she was informed her overreacting was due to her mental illness and she was the one with the problem and it went on. Sadly it ended with those beautiful little girls and their brother left at the house with a bunch of drunks. Their aunt, the driver, could do nothing. She went back to collect her dog from her mom's house and broke down telling her Mom. Her mom called the father of the little boy and let him know, the mother was on That Path again. The driver got many ugly texts cursing her and ridiculing her mental illness that she was being treated for. She was tired and ended it with raw truth, hoping it would snap the selfish bitch into reality. "Your 12 year old that no longer lives with you got molested by your boyfriend even though we all tried to warn you because you cared more about getting your drink on and partying than standing up to what was obvious to everyone around you. You're fucking this up and if you lose those twins because of your selfishness than maybe it's for the best. Maybe then someone can have them who is going to treat them right, not drag them around and have them sleep on blankets on the floor so they can get a piece of dick or sit around drinking with friends all night. Right now you're being a really bad mom. If you drive with those kids in the car, and I find out, I will turn you in." It ended badly, as these things do, and the driver learned why so few bother to stand up to narcissistic people. She would do it again, though. It's what was right. Sadly, the narcissist will likely move out of their moms house and take the kids out of everyones lives so she can carry on with her lifestyle and "not be judged."

I don't know, maybe the driver should've left it alone...


  1. Never. Never leave it alone. If there is even the slightest chance you can save someone innocent, someone hurting - you stand up. You will suffer, but you have the choice, the innocent ones don't.

    1. Thank you. I still regret that I didn't just take them with me.

  2. I think you were right to speak up to try to protect the kids from their mother's self-destructive and dangerous behaviour. They needed someone to advocate for them. Disregard any cruelties or insults your sister laid on you for doing it -- you were in the right and she was in the wrong.

    1. Thanks my dear. I agree, but had I realized the depth of her problem I'd have gone about it differently.

  3. Irresponsible people rarely listen, especially when they are deep in drink. I fear for those kids and my heart goes to The Driver because I understand just how hard it had to be to try to reason with them and not just punch them in face and take the kids to safety. Nature is a very strange lady, isn't she? There are too many people out there who should not allowed to breed. I know how harsh that sounds, but it's the truth. Some people might be biologically able to become mothers and fathers, but they never learn to be parents. Poor children.

    1. I strongly agree. Not everyone who can breed should. These are amazing kids and I worry about their prospects. Apparently that makes me a judgemental bitch who has no light in my soul though.

  4. You did a hard thing probably knowing the outcome but you did it anyway and that takes strength. You did the right thing, as the sober driver, to point out the wrongness of the situation. If you hadn't, and something had happened, no doubt Ms Narcissist would have thrown in your face that you were the sober driver (as they do like to apportion blame instead of owning their own responsibility) and laid the guilt on you.

    Hopefully the situation resolves itself peacefully and with the best outcome for everyone, but if not, never feel you should not have said anything.

  5. I am so thankful you were there and said something! You did the right thing! So happy you were there for those kids! Big Hugs!


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